“Bestial Hymns Of Infinite Forms” Tour with:
Tomb Mold (can) + Ritual Necromancy (us) +
Of Feather and Bone (us)
“Deaths and Ascension Across Europe” Tour with:
Suffering Hour (us) + Malthusian (irl)
TOMB MOLD (can) – 20 Buck Spin
Toronto death metal band Tomb Mold started in 2016 as a 2 person project. Having played music together over numerous years, Derrick and Max knew exactly how they wanted to approach this, both from a sound and visual perspective. The goal was simply recording one or two demo tapes and then calling it a day. So much for that. Due to an overwhelming response to “The Bottomless Perdition”, they decided to work with Blood Harvest on “Primordial Malignity” to continue building their sound using the foundation of Finnish style death metal, their first full length. After the 2nd tape “The Moulting”, they turned Tomb Mold into a 4 piece touring band adding long-time friends and former band-mates Steve and Payson on bass and guitar respectively. Their 2nd full length was released with 20 Buck Spin, and “Manor of Infinite Forms” showcases their departure from playing a specific style of death metal and just writing anything they feel comfortable with. As the label puts it, „Constructing monumental towers of obscure shape, jarring yet coherent, Tomb Mold compositions evoke a distorted world alongside our own where all manner of oddity and peculiarity are permitted.“ It also continued to build on the cosmic, insectoid infected universe they have been building through their music with the help of Brad Moore’s legendary artwork. Since then they have started touring and playing fests and have had the opportunity to tour with top tier bands like Horrendous and Of Feather and Bone. Continuing on with this momentum, expect to see more music released in 2019.
https://youtu.be/3HNXW-XlORM (Live at Saint Vitus)
“While the beastly growls of Tomb Mold’s drummer-vocalist, Max Klebanoff, might align the group with death metal, what made the Toronto quartet’s second full-length so thrilling was the riffs: the grotesque crunch, stomp, whine and heave that occupy nearly every second of these seven lengthy tracks. Whirlwind blastbeats are a key part of the band’s attack, but every speed burst comes matched with a swaggering breakdown, rendered all the more massive by the absurdly girthy production of noted underground-metal whisperer Arthur Rizk. Call it whatever you want: This record simply rocks”. -Rolling Stone
RITUAL NECROMANCY (us) – Dark Descent Recoreds
Uncompromising, suffocating, and evil – Ritual Necromancy’s approach to death metal is that of predator to prey, sinking its teeth into the listener with violent intent.
Spawned in 2008, Ritual Necromancy haunted Portland, Oregon’s local death metal scene and recorded a self-titled demo. A pact with Dark Descent Records was forged and in 2011, “Oath of the Abyss”, the first offering to the grave, was unleashed. That same year, Ritual Necromancy joined forces with Impetuous Ritual, Grave Upheaval, and Cruciamentum for a maniacal West Coast tour to the infamous Rites of Darkness III Fest, where the band twisted some heads and turned many stomachs.
2014 saw the release of a 3-song EP entitled “Void Manifest,” which conjured a short tour with Bölzer, culminating in the slaughter of Vancouver’s Covenant Festival. That year, Ritual Necromancy also invaded Europe for the first time, unleashing their punishment upon the hordes of Kill-Town Death Fest´s Funeral Edition, then continued the carnage across Europe with Canadian titans Mitochondrion and Auroch.
“Disinterred Horror”, the long-anticipated second full-length album, finally rises from the grave in 2018 to much fetid acclaim. Relentless and bludgeoning, “Disinterred Horror” strangles you with unseen hands, tormenting your soul long after it’s over. Like a nightmare you can’t shake, the malevolence of this album settles in your brain, landing it on many “Best of the year” lists. Also in 2018, Ritual Necromancy savaged audiences at Invoking Black Death and Maryland Deathfest with morbid ferocity.
As 2019 emanates from the pit, no continent or grave is safe from these practitioners of Death’s Metal, as a short attack on Mexico and later dates in Europe have been conjured.
Now Ritual Necromancy returns the chaos to KTDF as they drag you deep into the hell of necrotic torment.
Possessed Death Metal by fiends who worship the Freezing Void, Ritual Necromancy is not for the weak.
YouTube clips:
OF FEATHER AND BONE (us) – Profound Lore Records
Emerging from their Rocky Mountain crypts, Of Feather and Bone spread their virulent strain of cryptic death metal on Bestial Hymns of Perversion, due March 9, 2018 on Profound Lore Records. Bassist/vocalist AS and Guitarist/vocalist DG herald the endtimes with a dual guttural onslaught atop an everflowing stream of grime-caked riffs and PW’s whirlwind of blasts and d-beats. Invoking the claustrophobia of Autopsy and the visceral disgust of Incantation and Bolt Thrower, Of Feather and Bone’s relentless death assault serves as the soundtrack to mankind’s fall.
After garnering substantial praise for their long sold-out 2016 demo, Of Feather and Bone returned to Goldberg Studios during the summer of 2017 with Steve Goldberg (Cephalic Carnage) at the helm. Mastered by the mighty Dan Lowndes at Resonance Sound and featuring stunning cover art courtesy of Stefan Todorovic, Bestial Hymns of Perversion’s seven tracks of unrelenting death metal portend the the destruction of the modern age.
(Live at St Vitus June 2018)
„Bestial indeed! Right out of the gates this sucker is screaming lawlessly with bullet belt clad attitude. It’s at interesting cross section of old school Incantation dirge and the violent, almost out of control din conjured up by bands like Conqueror or Black Witchery. Evil when slow, evil when fast! Cavernous, echoey, and blasphemous shit all around from these Denver Colorado denizens of devilish disposition. If you like your black/death filthy, hateful and downright frightening, Of Feather And Bone are the crew for you. FFO: Embrace of Thorns, Blasphemophagher, Diocletian, Teitanblood“- Trevor Strnad (Black Dahlia Murder)
MALTHUSIAN (irl) – Invictus Productions
Manifested in the bowels of Dublin city in 2013, Malthusian have made their presence in the world more known with each festering, ill-conceived release. The well received release of both their demo MMXIII and subsequent EP, “Below The Hengiform”, saw the band on a UK run and two European tours in 2015, as well as a number of dates on the East coast of the US following an appearance at the now defunct Martyrdoom festival in New York. 2016 saw the band play a slew of festivals and one of shows including appearances at Oration Fest in Iceland and Beyond The Gates in Norway.
Back on the terra firma of Èire, with a vision to solidify the abstract horrors of black, death and doom in their own unique way, 2017 saw the band write their debut album “Across Deaths” and record in the fitting surroundings of Hellfire Studios in Dublin. An ugly, malignant demonstration of the band’s power to create dark, oppressive music, as only they know how. Elaborating on previously explored elements and honing their wretched skill to create unease, with “Across Deaths”, Malthusian have created a decaying monument to the unhinged minds, and music therein, of the band’s members.
2019 will see MALTHUSIAN spew forth with more focus and filth than ever before. The future is bleak!!!
‚It’s not that the Irish are cynical. It’s rather that they have a wonderful lack of respect for everything and everybody.‘ – Brendan Behan
SUFFERING HOUR (us) – Blood Harvest Records
Suffering Hour is a Black/Death metal band from MN. Formed as a thrash metal band in 2010 under a previous moniker, the trio steadily began delving into the darker depths of black metal and death metal. 2017 saw the release of their debut full length „In Passing Ascension“ on Blood Harvest records to high critical acclaim. Quickly gaining recognition from the album and its unique and excellently crafted songwriting, Suffering Hour starting playing a handful of scattered live shows in the US in 2018, opening for a slew of heavy hitters and most notably: Covenant Fest in Montreal and Maryland Deathfest. Suffering Hour will be releasing a new EP on Blood Harvest in 2019 and continuing their live expeditions far and wide.
„Suffering Hour exhibit a power and maturity that exceeds their otherwise short existence. Theirs is a death metal that defies most modern paradigms, safely eluding prevailing trends whilst driving deep into the heart of timeless DEATH METAL art, evoking mysticism as surely as molten crush, songwriting class as surely as hideous chaos, with a serpentine flow like no other“
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