Heute mal eine etwas traurigere Nachricht, Critical Mess haben bekannt gegeben das Sie sich auflösen und noch ein letztes Abschiedskonzert in Hannover spielen.
Hier der Text:
Dearest friends and fans,
We want to share some important news with all of you. After much discussion and consideration, we have come to the decision that CRITICAL MESS will be coming to an end in June 2023.
We have reflected on this most difficult decision gravely for a while now. The pandemic has had a significant impact and has changed our personal lives and possibilities to work together as a band to its fullest potential. After much thought and reflection, we have decided that it is time for us to move on.
We want to stress that this is not a decision we have made lightly. We are so grateful for the experiences and opportunities we have had as a band, and are truly thankful to our loyal fans and everyone who has supported us throughout the years. We have made some incredible memories and friendships along the way, and we will always look back on our time together with fondness!
We are committed to making the most of our remaining time together and will be playing shows until the end of June 2023. We are in good spirit and hope to see you at one of our shows and to share some more special moments with all of you before we call it a day. We are also planning a farewell show in our hometown Hannover. More on that soon.
We part on good terms and, most importantly, as friends. We hope that you will continue to support us and our individual musical endeavors in the future.
Thank you for everything!
Your „Messies“